Lesser-spotted Fash On Powtrey

Busy times on the All Star Kirsty Bus…you may remember some posts from Paris last season, I developed a live rap powtrey in response to the catwalk…here’s one from an off-schedule* show earlier, rammed to the gullet…

It was for Bumni Koko, a right superhappy homegirl.

Weird England crowd bit future punk/Bladerunner, long way from Paris. Okay, here we go, catwalk powtrey. Kaleidoscopia, A/W11, sci-fi film, neon retro futurism, birth on another star, hoop skirt, nets, silk rock, orange, black psych neons, mid length, glamingo flamingos, structure shoulders, old McQueen. Purple royal, pleat shoulders, EEEEEEmu. Leopard tribe, rose silver, peach silver, Bootsy gets to planet E. Cut lurex. Panels, zip backs, sequin inserts, PVC tails, evening Daft Punk retro ladies, tie die my acid eyes.

Video from her previous season:

The best shows can be seen here: http://www.londonfashionweeklive.co.uk/ and of course, Style.com. Fashion East tmoz will be a total fashion moment – my fave today – “What is it we’re going into?” “I don’t know, it’s just fashion”).  Beyond fash on, the film has been going bonkers – we’ve been lucky enough to sit aside multi-million productions on the pages of every paper from The Times to The Sunday Mirror, there have been some lovely observations.  Oh, quick note on: tie-dye leather by Felder Felder, super.

I’m also working on an edit of my beloved novel, lecturing and doing a bit of styling…sounds like a Dear Diary moment.  Hmmmm. Libya, eh?  Who’s behind it, gearing up for Sarah Palin’s entree in camouflage?

But yes, I am terribly behind on uploading my images from the past weeks (multiplied by about six, I think) but they are coming forth, have been documenting, just not uploading.  Did finally go through my exploding drawers and file some of the stuff that’s been catalogued – and now, how smoothly my drawers slide.

Wool and leather, so next season, so AF Vandevorst Friend.  McQueen leather with my favourite thing of the moment – my vintage, hand-knitted, uber-poncho.  McQueen skirt.

*Off-schedule: independent shows.  (Largely) shitter, rougher and fresher than the official LFW** catwalks

**London Fashion Week